Free Mini Class

If you’re ready feel energized, calm, and productive, please enjoy my short video below.

I’m sharing 3 simple tips my clients and I use to easily achieve our goals.


For more of my videos, articles, and strategies, check out my ADHD resource hub below.


Hi, I’m Christina!

An ADHD career coach and former therapist in California. More about my story is here.

I’ve also created another short class, which includes example systems I personally use to make an environment where I thrive, ADHD traits and all.

This “Simple Systems Mini Class” will help you enjoy systems that work with your brain, not against it, so you'll get where you want to go.

I’ve used these same systems to graduate with my masters degree, manage a successful tutoring office, run my coaching business, and enjoy a 6-figure income, all while feeling flow and fun day-to-day.

If you’re ready to stop feeling overwhelmed with willpower, to-do lists, and complicated planners . . .

If you’re ready to fully accept yourself and make systems that fit naturally into your life . . .

Then come join me in class!

And if you’re wondering if my tools can truly help you personally, here’s what past clients have told me:


If you have questions, you’re welcome to contact me at, and I’d be happy to help.

But remember . . . now is the only moment there is.

So, don’t put this off until “later.”