Podcast: ADHD Career Stories
Available on YouTube, Spotify, Amazon, and Apple Podcasts.
The mission of my podcast, “ADHD Career Stories,” is to inspire women with ADHD in their careers by remembering their strengths and hearing the stories of other successful women. If you have a story to share that supports this mission, I would love to interview you as a guest on my podcast. Please complete the short application below, and I’ll follow up with you shortly.
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Podcast Guest Application
Podcast Episodes
Join Brandy and Christina as they discuss the successes she’s had as a freelance filmmaker and storyteller.
Join us to learn about Christina’s personal experience with ADHD in women and her early career as a teacher and business owner.
Join Sue and Christina as they discuss a variety of jobs, including work in nonprofits, administration, and gardening, plus the amazing strengths of the ADHD brain.
Join Rory and Christina as they discuss language education, choosing a job versus a career, and the importance of rewiring neural pathways to create new systems that work for you.
Join Charlotte and Christina as they discuss advocacy work, public policy, and the psychology of ADHD in women.
In progress.
In progress.